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deposit bonus casino online Macau Gaming Rules Under Review.As of September 15, Macau’s new

deposit bonus casino online Macau Gaming Rules Under Review.As of September 15, Macau’s new

deposit bonus casino online Macau Gaming Rules Under Review.As of September 15, Macau’s new gaming laws were put before the public for review. The 45-day period gives local residents and industry insiders an opportunity to voice an opinion over what could ultimately be one of the biggest updates to the city’s gaming industry in years, and there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered. Although no formal admission has been made, and amid denials that it’s true, some believe that the changes are a result of increased exertion of force coming from China. Violations of the new law on casino deposits could face fines and up to five years in prison..The inability to provide interest-bearing accounts is likely to hurt junkets the most, but could also impact certain VIP rooms in the city. According to Ho, “This particular industry practice used to be a critical financing source for junkets, and small and mid-sized VIP rooms will have a tough time financing their VIP room operations.” However, the analysts caution that the preliminary language included in the draft of the new laws is likely not the same as what will appear in the final version, and that more changes are going to be included before Macau’s new gaming regime comes into force..